torsdag 12 juli 2007

USA forävar

Ni vet när man blir sådär lite glad i kroppen då man läser något en amerikan har skrivit, och det faktiskt är vettigt. Det fick jag nu när jag läste den här krönikan i Newsweek. Men så kommer man till sista stycket och inser att alla amerikaner faktiskt är likadana ändå.
Nej tack, vi behöver faktiskt ingen superstat som styr resten av världen.

If the next president follows through on all these things, he or she may just find that the old global system can survive the Bush “legacy.” And we might even find, emerging once again, the old hunger for American leadership. The rest of the world knows it suffers from the lack of an alternative great power to lead the global system. Other nations are too weak or distrusted (think China, which has never had a political reckoning with its ruling mandarins; or Russia, which seems to be building its reputation on greed and assassination, or the European Union, which remains a cacophony of voices). “Other countries want to be able to like us. We need to move back toward the love-hate relationship we’ve always had, rather than the pure hate relationship,” says Anne-Marie Slaughter, dean of Princeton University’s Woodrow Wilson School. “We may be the world’s worst possible global leader but we’re better than all the others.” Let’s hope that’s still true.

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